In order to understand Red Bull Wololo, it’s important to first understand the Age of Empires games.
What is the Age of Empires games series?
This RTS (real-time strategy) game was first released in 1997. To date, 9 games and numerous expansion packs have been released, the most recent version being Age of Empires IV, released in October 2021.
Created by Ensemble Studios and published by Xbox Game Studios, Age of Empires is a historical RTS game that takes players through events in Africa, Europe and Asia, moving through time periods from the Stone Age to the Iron Age to the Roman Empire. With each new edition improving on its graphics and game play, the game has developed a strong following, and is known for its fair play and focus on historical events.
The Red Bull Wololo series
As Age of Empires series fans will know, ‘Wololo’ is the battle cry uttered by the Priest unit in the original version of the game – and since 2020 it’s been the call for gamers to unite and battle each other in the Red Bull Wololo series, hosted by Red Bull Gaming.
First launched in 2020, the series initially focused on Age of Empires II, with various online tournaments being held and a total prize pool of €20,000 given away. Following the success of the first tournament, Red Bull Wololo continued with more competitions, each with a different storyline for players to follow, from fighting for control of a castle in the second series, to Asian civilization in the third, and Viking warriors in the fourth.
In 2021, Red Bull Wololo V became the first notable LAN event of the series, attracting 70,000 viewers for the finals in a hotly-contested battle for the $100,000 prize pool.
In 2022, the event returned for its sixth tournament as Red Bull Wololo Legacy – a Red Bull Gaming celebration of 25 years of the Age of Empires series featuring not one, but three titles played simultaneously. With professionals and amateurs competing in Age of Empires I: The Rise of Rome, Age of Empires II, and Age of Empires IV tournaments simultaneously, the series concluded with the finals in Heidelberg Castle in Germany.
Offering a collective prize pool of $550,000 across all three events, 2022 was Red Bull Wololo’s biggest event to date, and the series looks set to continue just as strongly going forward.